A meeting was held with the representative of the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH regarding the campaign on sexual extortion

At the meeting with Branislava Crnčević Čulić from the Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we discussed the campaign “Sexual Extortion is Corruption. Let’s Break the Silence” and the need for wider and more detailed public education about the concept of sexual extortion (sextortion) as a combination of sexual harassment and corruption and the need for formal legal recognition of this term.

The representative of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly introduced Branislava Crnčević Čulić to the results of the Research on the Prevalence of Sexual Extortion in Society, as well as the Analysis of Regulations Regarding Sexual Extortion. Both publications are available at www.hcabl.org.

Sexual extortion is a type of “silent corruption” that needs to be discussed as much as possible and not to be “under the veil of secrecy”.

At the advocacy meeting, which was held on April 30, we also discussed other topics, as well as the current activities of the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH.


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