Stalking in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Srpska

We mark the beginning of this week with the presentation of another paper. The author is Marija Mitrović, a student at the Faculty of Law in Banja Luka. This paper focuses on the analysis of the criminal offense of stalking in the legislation of the Republic of Srpska. Stalking was introduced into the Criminal Code of the Republic of Srpska by Article 144 and classified as criminal offenses against the freedoms and rights of citizens (Chapter VII of the Code). Our legislation distinguishes between the basic and more serious form of this criminal offense, where the more serious form is determined by the passive subject to which the offense is directed. Also, the specificity of this criminal offense is reflected in the fact that the victims of the criminal offense are predominantly women, while the perpetrators are usually men.

Read more about this paper here. It is part of the activities of the Academy for Gender Equality and EU Integration 2024 within the project “Empowerment Sessions in the Human Rights House” and is implemented in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation.


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