At the meeting with the SOC representative, discussed the occurrence of sexual extortion

At the meeting, the representative of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka introduced Amil Brković, a legal advisor at the Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) with the campaign “Sexual Extortion is Corruption. Let’s Break the Silence!”, which is implemented by HCA BL, and our goal is to raise public awareness of the concept of sexual extortion as a combination of sexual harassment and corruption.

We also discussed how the term sexual extortion is still not formally and legally recognized, that is, the need to incorporate this term into legal policies.

During the advocacy meetings, HCA BL representatives try to inform the participants about the necessity of implementing the concept of sexual extortion in laws, but also about the results of previous analyzes and research.

Sexual extortion occurs in both the private and public sectors, and according to research, it is most common in workplaces, although it also occurs in other spheres.


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