“Citizens in the fight against silent corruption”

HCA BL, with the financial support of the Center for Civil Initiatives and USAID, started implementing the project “Citizens in the Fight against Silent Corruption” in mid-June.

The project, which will last for the next 12 months, aims to analyze the presence of sexual extortion in the public and private sectors and examine the possibilities of integrating the term sextortion into relevant laws and policies. Sexual extortion is a combination of sexual harassment and corruption, that is, a gender-specific form of corruption, which as such is still not formally legally recognized in the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In the project period, continuous activities are planned to familiarize the general public with the term “sextortion”, as a gender-specific type of corruption, its harmful consequences and methods of reporting. A comprehensive campaign is planned, which will combine different methods and channels of informing the public – from authentic and effective stories, billboards (OOH campaign), street actions (in cities and municipalities throughout BiH), online campaign (digital) to sensitization of the media for reporting on to this phenomenon, which is neither adequately covered by the media, nor legally regulated.

Stay tuned!


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