DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/1158 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on work-life balance for parents and carers

The impact of family and household work on professional life is largely unexplored in BiH. Moreover, women in BiH mostly associate the issue of their equality with the fight against violence against women, but not with relations on the labor market or with the fair division of family and household responsibilities. The conflict between family and work is present in most people. Differences in the household burden of women and men are very pronounced, and the depth of the gender gap is conditioned by the structure of the family, i.e. the presence of small children, while the deepest gender gap occurs in the category of women and men who have middle-aged children.

Amina Bašović, a participant of the Academy for Gender Equality, wrote about all of this within the analysis of the Directive on Work-Life Balance an activity that was implemented in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

You can read the complete paper here.


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