The right words that come from honest understanding and compassion have the power to touch hearts and encourage breaking of prejudices, and that is exactly what happened at today’s living library, which was held for journalists in the Human Rights House Banja Luka.
Our living books shared their stories and life experiences as open books, building bridges of empathy and breaking stereotypes.

Professional media also have a significant role in breaking prejudices and just like living books have similar goals – connecting people through true values.
Journalists showed that they can be good listeners, and there was no lack of quality interaction, questions and answers.

A living library and a live storytelling book, which selflessly share their life pages, play an important role in understanding various situations and open up space for a culture of dialogue.
This activity, organized by the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka, is implemented in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
In addition, in the coming period, we will continue to present this concept continuously for media representatives, as well as other listeners.