Ombudsmen of BiH recommend to the Council of Ministers of BiH to take steps towards resolving the status issues of the National and University Library of BiH

The Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued Recommendation No. 35/25, which established a violation of several international instruments for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms by the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, specifically the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

They recommended that the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina act within its jurisdiction and take steps to resolve the status issues of the National and University Library (NUL) of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other institutions of science, culture and art of Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of initiating legislative proceedings before the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

We remind you that the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka addressed the Institution of the Human Rights Ombudsmen/Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the issue of the legal status and financing of the National and University Library of BiH, and later extended the same complaint to other institutions of science, culture and art of Bosnia and Herzegovina (National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Museum of Literature and Theater Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The complaint states that the NUL BiH serves as a repository of the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, preserving invaluable collections that include historical documents, literary and scientific papers, and archival materials that are an integral part of the collective memory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The closure of this institution would result in the potential loss or degradation of this irreplaceable asset. Such loss would not only impoverish the cultural fabric of Bosnian and Herzegovina’s society, but would also weaken the sense of identity and continuity that is essential for social cohesion.

The social implications of the closure of the NUL BiH extend beyond the temporary loss of access to cultural and educational resources. It symbolizes a broader neglect of intellectual and cultural values, which are crucial for encouraging an informed and engaged citizenry.

The Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina concluded in the aforementioned recommendation that the passive stance of the Council of Ministers constitutes a violation of the rights of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who are affected by the potential closure of institutions of science, culture and art in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Specifically, the Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina have determined that the Council of Ministers, by its passive attitude, is responsible for the violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 22, which deals with cultural rights, and Article 27, which guarantees the right of everyone to participate in the cultural life of his/her community, to enjoy the arts and to contribute to scientific development and to use its benefits), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Article 6, which relates to the right to work, and Article 15, which deals with the obligations of the state to enable everyone to participate in cultural life and to benefit from the achievements of science, as well as to enjoy the arts and literature, and to enjoy the protection of scientific, literary and artistic creation). The significance of this decision of the Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina is not only reflected in the determination of violations of the rights of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and employees of the NUL BiH, but also in the confirmation of the continuity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its institutions, as well as the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (referring to Article I/1. of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Article 2 of Annex II to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

We remind you that in August 2024 the National and University Library was briefly closed to the public due to accumulated problems, and then, as reported by the media, the employees of this important institution emphasized that they wanted to make it known that they were not destroyers of national treasures, but their guardians.

You can read the complete recommendation of the Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the attached PDF:

Preporuka Omb. BiH broj _ P-35_25Download

Photo: Media


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