Sara from Jerusalem: Volunteering at HCA opened up new perspectives for me

Volunteering in the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka (HCA BL) opened up new perspectives for me, which can help me to advance my master’s research, as well as contacts that will benefit me not only in the academic, but also in the professional field, says Sara, a student from Jerusalem who has been volunteering at HCA for the past few weeks.

Sara normally studies in Doha, and she stayed in Bosnia and Herzegovina for her master’s research work. She says that her experience as a volunteer in the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly exceeded all expectations, she gained new knowledge and skills, and we at HCA had something to learn from this young girl, a Red Cross activist, and we are truly grateful to have been in the opportunity to be her choice for volunteering.

“From day one, I was welcomed by a friendly team and a supportive supervisor. Each member of the team had unique experience, knowledge and skills, but they are all united around the goals and vision of the organization to promote and connect civic initiatives, reconciliation and empowerment of marginalized groups at the local and regional level. “Extremely interesting, informative and very valuable are just some of the phrases I would use to describe my experiences after two months at HCA,” says Sara.

Sara promised us that she would stay in contact with the HCA team, and at the end of her stay with us, we asked her a few questions, so that she could share her impressions and motivate other volunteers to look for their opportunity in one of the citizens’ associations in BiH.

On which projects did you assist and how important was it to you?

SARA: When I initially contacted HCA BL I explained my interest in reconciliation, specifically for research purposes. I also expressed interest in topics that I am not very familiar with because I saw a real chance to educate myself through practical experiences on various topics and through them further understand the context. My interests were taken into account and I was awarded assistance on two main projects; “PRO – Future – Reconciliation, Understanding, Responsibility for the Future” and “Women’s Human Rights and European Integration IV”. Within both projects, I attended conferences, workshops and helped in the organization of activities, in order to fulfill the goals. My experience working with PRO-Future enriched my understanding of reconciliation, challenges and social changes, which experts believe are necessary for the success of peace building in BiH. Working on another project allowed me to understand the relationship between society, institutions and how it all works in the EU integration process.

What, in your opinion, can be done to respect human rights even more?

SARA: One step that can be taken is to strengthen legislation and update institutional systems to ensure that they are in line with international human rights standards and can be adequately enforced. Secondly, I think it is important to fight against discrimination in all its forms. The third would be to support freedom of expression and media freedom. Fourth, education and raising awareness through the promotion of human rights. Finally, I believe that it is still important to strengthen the protection of vulnerable groups in society to ensure that their rights are respected. It is important to recognize that this is a complex and long-term process that will require the collective effort and commitment of both organizations and individuals.

Moreover, you like to travel and get to know different cultures. What are your impressions of Banja Luka, where you stayed?

SARA: Banja Luka is a very authentic and lively city where every person, regardless of their interest, will find something to be delighted with while they are here. From activities like kayaking and hiking in beautiful nature, to daily concerts, conferences, museums and bookstores, and then all the way to delicious pastries… It’s hard not to fall in love with everything Banja Luka has to offer. I believe that what makes a city most special are the people; their ability to start each day with a big smile, to lighten any mood with a joke, and to offer help whenever they can. Adaptability, kindness and acceptance – this is the secret recipe of the population of this city to make everyone feel welcome.

Do you have an anecdote or a funny situation that you experienced during your stay in BiH that you want to tell?

SARA: One of the funny situations happened to me in Sarajevo during my visit to a conference. I had a few hours to walk around the city and first I went to Baščaršija. As I was hungry after the trip, I bought a sandwich. The birds, apparently as hungry as I was, “decided” to take and share my sandwich. They surprised me, so I dropped the sandwich from my hand, which gathered more birds around me. Although I wish they had “asked” me in a more polite way to share a sandwich, I am at least convinced that the birds in BiH have very good taste when it comes to food.

PHOTO: Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka


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