THE FIRST POLICY BRIEF WITHIN THE PROJECT “OUR RESISTANCE”: Analysis of the legal framework and policy in the field of prevention and suppression of gender-based violence

We are publishing the first Policy Brief within the project “Our Resistance”, which analyzes the legal framework and policies in the field of prevention and suppression of gender-based violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. the application of the law in practice.

The analysis points to growing anti-gender demands that increasingly impact legislative and social processes in the country and pose a serious threat to progress in the field of ​​human rights and gender balance.

The analysis states that, in terms of compliance with international standards, Republic of Srpska is beginning to regress, that the Federation of BiH is stagnating, and that only Brčko District is showing progress in the protection of women’s human rights.

You can read the complete analysis on this topic in this Policy brief in PDF format:

Zakonski okvir i politike u oblasti prevencije i suzbijanja rodno zasnovanog nasilja u BiHDownload


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