As part of the meeting with the alumni group, we talked with activists and young people from different professions and organizations on the concept of sexual extortion as combination of sexual harassment and corruption i.e. gender specific form of corruption.
Representatives of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka presented campaign “Sexual Extortion is Corruption. Let’s Break the Silence!” as a result of our research and analysis which showed that sexual extortion usually occurs at work, in particular in the employment process and alike as well as in education institutions, etc.
We emphasized the need for the concept of sexual extortion to be legally recognized and thus empower victims of this crime to report it.

At the meeting in Sarajevo, held on June 11, we also discussed with young people other topics and themes that are in focus of their interest and activities.
Campaign “Sexual Extortion is Corruption. Let’s Break the Silence!” implemented within project “Citizens in the Fight against Silent Corruption” is aimed to raise awareness of citizens in BiH on importance of recognizing and reporting sexual extortion as well as to advocate for integration of the concept of sexual extortion into laws.