New year and new priorities for gender equality

The European Institute for Gender Equality – EIGE continues its constant commitment to the advancement of gender equality, but this year with a focus on the European Green Deal and the environment. There is a strong link between the European Green Deal, i.e. concern for the environment and gender equality. “If the EU wants to successfully take care of green policies, we have to make room for women and girls to be part of this transformation,” said European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans.

Vice President Timmermans leads the European Commission’s work on the European Green Deal, which is one of the key thematic priorities of EIGE and many other EU institutions for 2023.

Globally, women provide livelihoods for their families and manage the environment at the same time. However, their knowledge is often overlooked and they are not considered agents of change. Therefore, a gender analysis of environmental management is necessary, looking at the gender aspects of the use of natural resources (water, forests, land, etc.), consumption of services and goods (transport, food, etc.) and experiences of environmental degradation (pollution, chemicals, loss of biodiversity, etc.). Women and men should be equal actors in environmental management, including equal participation in decision-making and policy processes.

Right now, rooted gender stereotypes, gender disparities in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) are driving factors in the reluctance of women and girls to actively participate in these fields. Women with all their skills, innovation and diversity – can help shape modern reality.




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