Presentation of the Collection of Papers “IMAGINING A WOMAN” on December 10 at the Youth Center

We invite you to come to the presentation of the Collection of Papers “Imagining a Woman” – On Ideological and Cultural Concepts of the Female Gender in the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will be held on December 10 at the Youth Center in Banja Luka, from 4 to 5 p.m.

This is the third panel within the “Srđan Aleksić Days” event, and this panel focuses on the history of women in BiH, their presence and (in)visibility in different historical periods, including the Middle Ages, the period of emancipation and the passing of laws that guaranteed legal the equality of women and men, until the recent past characterized by repatriarchalization and the dominance of national-ideological historical narratives.

How did the construction of the concept of women in a patriarchal society change over time?

Are women in history textbooks in BiH an incident?

How many streets in Bosnian-Herzegovinian cities are named after women from our past?

These questions, among others, will be discussed during the presentation of the Collection of Papers “Imagining a Woman”. Our panelists want to hear your opinion as well.

Panelists are:

Sonja (Mišković) Dujmović, research associate at the Institute of History, University of Sarajevo

She deals with the socio-political and cultural history of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the period of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the Kingdom of SHS/Yugoslavia, especially the issue of elites, citizenship, phenomena of national and gender identity, collective memory, and the position of marginal groups. So far, she has published two books: In the Mirror of Change – Serbian Citizenship in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1918-1941, (2019) and Under State Protection – History of Childhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1878-1941 (2021).

Aida Ramić, research associate at the Institute of History, University of Sarajevo

She completed her studies in history, as well as her master’s and doctoral studies at the history department of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo. Her scientific focus is related to the research of topics from the domain of social history, urban history, history of everyday life, ecohistory, and in the last few years, with her research work, she tries to make a modest contribution to the research of the activities of women’s organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the issue of women’s emancipation in socialism. So far, she has participated in numerous domestic, regional and international conferences and has published several scientific and professional papers. She is a regular member of the Association for Modern History (UMHIS) in Sarajevo. (Un)intentionally, in her scientific research work, she always ends up in pioneering ventures, which she is particularly proud of.

Željka Umićević, project coordinator in the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly

She graduated journalism at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Banja Luka. For more than ten years, she has been working as a project coordinator in the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka, where she works on projects to improve and protect human rights, with a focus on women’s human rights. She administers the social networks and websites of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly and the Initiative Women Citizens for Constitutional Reform.


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