SECOND POLICY BRIEF WITHIN PROJECT “OUR RESISTANCE”: Analysis on the implementation of Directive (EU) 2024/1385 into laws in BiH

We are publishing the second Policy Brief within the project “Our Resistance”, under the title “IMPLEMENTATION OF DIRECTIVE (EU) 2024/1385 ON COMBATING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTO LAWS OF BiH”.

Harmonization of the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Directive (EU) 2024/1385 represents a significant step towards solving the omnipresent problem of violence against women and domestic violence.

As the analysis reveals, although progress has been made in including certain offenses in criminal legislation, critical deficiencies remain.

The directive prescribes comprehensive measures that not only criminalize such actions, but also ensure strong support and protection mechanisms for victims.

You can read the complete analysis on this topic in the second Policy Brief in PDF format:

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