Street action on the occasion of the campaign “Sexual Extortion is Corruption. Let’s Break the Silence!” will be held in Brčko at Trg mladih, May 29 (Wednesday), from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, and is organized by the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka in cooperation with the Center for Youth Development PRONI.

At Trg mladih we will distribute promotional material, and the goal of the street action is to introduce the citizens of Brčko District with the term sexual extortion/blackmail in the public and private sector, and efforts to incorporate sexual extortion into laws and anti-corruption strategies.

Sexual extortion (sextortion) is a combination of sexual harassment and corruption, which as such is still not formally – legally recognized in the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is important to point out that sexual extortion is a combination of sexual harassment and abuse of entrusted power (corruption). Instead of money in this type of corruption, sexual favors are demanded as currency. So, on the one hand, we have those entrusted with control (power, authority), and on the other, often vulnerable categories (women) who are usually in a subordinate position.

Interested journalists and citizens will be introduced to the results of the new “Research on the Prevalence of Sexual Extortion in Society”, as well as the “Analysis of Regulations Regarding Sexual Extortion”.

During the research, the interviewees pointed out as reasons for sexual extortion: for the promotion at work, for starting a working relation/employment, for passing an exam, and the like…

We remind you that we have already organized street actions in Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Banja Luka, Zenica, Modriča, Tuzla and Bosansko Grahovo.

See you on Wednesday in Brčko!


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