If you are from Bihać and are 7-18 years old, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly invites you to participate in campaign #AŠtoNeBiMogla and attend workshops for children and young people which will be held with well-known Bosnian-Herzegovinian artist Selma Selman on January 29 and 30, 2022 in the space of the organization Alfa in Bihać.
Selma Selman is eminent fine arts, media and performance artist of Roma origin who won numerous prestige awards and who actively participates and exhibits at various festivals.
Aim of educative workshops “For Labour Equality[1] with Selma Selman” is to encourage and motivate children and young people to discuss topics of gender diversity in order to encourage the reduction of gender disparities in school enrollment, advancement and retention at all levels of education and lifelong learning for girls and boys, women and men.
Educative-creative workshops aimed for children between 7-14 years old will be held on Saturday, January 29, from 10 AM to 4 PM with pauses for refreshment and launch.
Educative-creative workshops with young people between 14-18 years old will be held on January 30 (Sunday), from 10 AM to 4 PM with pauses for refreshment and launch.
Workshops will be held in accordance with epidemic measures and maximum number of participants is 15 per workshop.
If you are interested, please confirm your participation by email until Wednesday, January 26, 2022 on email: smarkovic@hcabl.org.
Workshops are implemented within the project “Gender Equality Takes Two, by Selma Selman!” financed and supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Office in BiH.
[1] Gender= he+she